Functions of Material Management

Functions of Material Management

Red and Gray Industrial Machinery
(I) Primary Functions
To meet the primary objectives, the primary functions of the materials management are given as follows:
(i)              Materials Requirements
 Planning (MRP) Planning of materials requirements in manufacturing is a necessary function in any organization, as inventory of materials involve about 60% of the total investment of the organization. The profit earned depends on the utilization of these materials and reducing the inventory of the materials. The latest technique used is called Just in Time (JIT) is referred practically to no inventory. However, in the present situations in any of the organization particularly manufacturing organization, it is not absolutely possible to keep no inventory of materials required for production. 
The MRP is a technique used to plan the materials starting from the raw materials, finished parts, components, sub-assemblies and assemblies as per Bill of Materials (BOM) to procure or produce them to support a Master Production Schedule (MPS). It is used on computers productively by any company that uses a MPS to manufacture products that require assemblies, components and materials to produce the final products. The MPS is exploded using the bills of materials to determine requirements of lower-level assemblies, components, finished parts and raw materials. It plans orders to meet these needs.
(ii)            Purchasing
All the organizations needs an efficient and economic purchasing and procurement of its various supplies of materials from the suppliers. The materials management department has to perform this function of purchasing and procurement of materials very efficiently. Since 50% to 60% of sales turnover is spent on the purchase of various materials, the amount of profit earned on this sales very much depends how economically the materials are purchased and utilized in the organization. The profitability depends on the efficiency by which this particular function of purchasing and procuring the requisite materials at appropriate time will be done and its availability is assured.
The function of purchasing can be stated as follows: 
(1) The requisition of material is necessary by proper authority to initiate its purchase. 
(2) To select proper supplier for the materials requisitioned, before placing an order. 
(3) To negotiate about the price of the material from the supplier and it will be purchased at the cheapest price. 
(4) The quality of material must be assured and should not be compromised with the cost of the material. 
(5) The material should be purchased of right quantity and right quality at proper time at the cheapest cost. 
(6) To set the proper purchase policy and procedure.
(iii)          Inventory Planning and Control
The modern concept of inventory planning is that the materials should be purchased and brought in the stores just before it enters the production or sold out so that inventory cost is negligible. The zero inventories are the ideal planning. There are three types of inventories. 
(i) Raw materials 
(ii) Purchased parts and components 
(iii) Finished Goods
The inventory control of these various materials lies with the materials management department, production department and sales department. Inventory at different levels is necessary to make sure about the availability of all these types of materials and goods and their proper flow from one facility to another at different levels of production centers in a manufacturing concern. The storing of various types of materials and parts as inventory is therefore very essential before its delivery and use at different production centers. This involves inventory planning and control of materials in the stores department. Many a time, the supplier may not be in a position to supply the materials of the ordered quantity at the proper time. To maintain the continuity in production and line balance in assembly work, the various types of inventories are necessary to be maintained and kept in the stores. The raw materials before being supplied to a production process, some of it is sent to store as inventory and rest is sent to production facility as per its requirements and in the same way, various parts manufactured and assembled as components and assemblies are also stored as finished parts inventories at the different places in the stores. The final products before being supplied to the customers are also stocked as inventory of the final products of the organization to meet the fluctuating demand and to regularize the supplies in the market. Thus, the inventory control is a very important function of the materials management department. The various types of inventory models are developed for the different materials to economise the purchase, supply, inventory control and production control to analyze and optimize the costs involved in ordering, set-up and inventory carrying of materials required in the production.
(iv)           Ascertaining and Maintaining the Flow and Supply of Materials
Distribution of materials requisitioned by the various production centers and other departments must be ascertained and its flow and continuity of supply must be maintained by the materials management department. Insufficient or zero inventories many times create the situations of stock-outs and leads to stoppage of production. Failure of materials handling devices is also responsible for disruption of material supplies. Alternatives or emergency supply systems can be used for assuring production lines to continue. Uncertainty in demand and production quantity is the main factor. As the customer requirements as per his needs and liking, are changing very fast. The management has to maintain continuity in production to meet this uncertainty in demand and control the situation by proper flow of materials supply and distribution at various production facilities and other departments as per changes in production quantity.
(v)             Quality Control of Materials
The quality of the product manufactured by the organization depends upon the quality of the materials used to manufacture that product. It is a very important and necessary function of materials management to purchase the right quality of materials. The inspection, quality control, simplification, specification, and standardization are the activities which are to be followed for the measurement of quality of the materials. The quality assurance is decided by inspection and checking. The various properties of materials as per their specifications and standard. The size and dimensional measurements within tolerance limits assures the interchangeability and reliability of components and parts. Quality is largely determined by consumer taste and liking. The market is under buyer’s control. Customer decides the quality of the product. Material quality control aims at delivering product at higher and higher quality at lower cost. The product will be specified not only by its dimensional accuracy but its quality standards, durability and dependability, high performance, reliability and aesthetic value. Each of this factor aids cost to the product. In order to achieve high quality, the materials input to the product should be of high quality, which will have higher cost. The performance decides the reliability, which is obtained through high quality production. The performance is checked by quality inspection and accuracy. This also aids cost to the product. The quality of the materials also decides the selection of vendors and the relationship between buyers and suppliers. The specifications, size and quality of materials must be referred and if possible the standard should be followed for specifications and sizes. The types of tests required for assuring the quality should be specified and conducted to establish the standards.
(vi)           Departmental Efficiency
The objective of this function is to ensure the efficiency of the system adopted. If the system and procedure adopted for materials management are inefficient or faulty, none of the objectives mentioned above can be fulfilled, howsoever the procedure may be good. In order to maintain the things in proper way as per planning an efficient control is necessary in the department over each and every process. Management Information System (MIS) and feedback control at every stage of working must be adopted to control and make the management and employee work as efficiently as possible to achieve the best results.

(II) Secondary Functions
There can be number of secondary functions. Some of them are discussed below:
(i)               Standardization and Simplification
       The standards and specifications of various types of materials are fixed by design and technical department of the organization and they are followed by production department. Standards define the quality, reduction in sizes and variety, interchangeability of parts and products. It ensures efficient utilization of materials and reduces wastage. Standard materials are always available at reasonable cost. It also helps purchasing department in selection of materials and vendors. If less variety of items purchased and put in the stores the types of inventories will be reduced and in this way the cost of carrying the inventories in the stores will be reduced. The objective of this function will be to produce standard product reducing the overall cost of the product.
(ii)            Design and Development of the Product 
           The variety in product and functionality are the important factors to promote the sales of a product. The new techniques of designing a product using Computer Aided Design (CAD) has made possible to develop variety of products at faster rate. The new technological development in manufacturing using Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) can produce variety of products at much faster rate with all types of flexibility in the manufacturing as compared to conventional methods. Materials management department has to act according to use of such variety of materials to produce variety of parts and ensure the supply of such materials. It should also be decided how to purchase and produce such variety of products with flexibility and economic cost.
(iii)     Make and/or Buy Decisions 
         These types of decisions are the policy decisions of the management. The capacity of the organization and the various facility developed by the organization to manufacture various items is the main objective of every organization. This is the important planning activity of every undertaking. But when a company grows fast, its sales increases at rapid rate then it becomes an important matter to decide whether the company should buy the parts and components or increase and establish its facilities to cope up with the increased demand and sales. This will be greatly concern to materials management department. It will help in selecting the suppliers to buy the items at reduced cost. The material evaluation, its availability, alternative materials selection, procurement and inventory control are the functions influence the make and buy decisions. The make and buy decisions are largely based on cost economics and cost benefit analysis made by the organization using the existing production capacity of labor, skill and machines available with the factory and how best they can be utilized.
(iv)           Coding and Classification of Materials 
       This is an important function of the materials management to help the production and purchasing department of every organization. It uses its own methods of classification of materials used to manufacture the product or a company selling various goods. ABC analysis is one of the simple and standard method used by most of the firms for classification and storing their variety of materials. The materials are recognized to purchase and store as an inventory by its codes and nomenclatures. The various methods of coding are used by every organization to control the variety of materials and its quantity and price rates.
(v)             Forecasting and Planning
Materials requirements planning is based on correct forecasting of sales and demand of the products in the market. The market fluctuations are to be observed to control production of the organization. The various methods of forecasting are available and the materials management department can choose the one which gives the best results to the company. Forecast of future demand of sales sets the planning of materials supply. Analytical methods are adopted for systematic forecasting and planning to procure the various materials required for production. In case of fluctuating demands, there can be uncertainties in supply as well. This can be overcome by maintaining the proper quantity in inventory of short supply materials at proper time. The different techniques available to use correct forecasting have to be utilized by materials manager to plan the procurement, purchase, supply, managing the outside and inside transport and storing of the materials to maintain the supply chain lines at every production facility to meet the changes in production quantity and schedule of production to meet the fluctuating demand of sales of products manufactured by the organization.

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