Research topics - HR Part - 1

Research Topics on HR area*
(*Collected from internet for reference purpose, it requires necessary changes)
1.            HR Management in Small Organizations
2.            HR Management in the 21st Century: Challenges for the Future
3.            The Impact of Information Technology on HR Management: Opportunities and Challenges
4.            Demographics of the Workforce: Analysis of Trends and their Implications for HR
5.            HR as a Strategic Business Partner
6.            HRMS: Purposes and Uses
7.            International Outsourcing: When Does It Make "Cents?"
8.            HR Ethics: An Examination of Key Issues
9.            Preparing for a Career in HR Management
10.        HR as a Profession - A Look at Professional Associations and Certifications
11.        HR Competencies
12.        Global Competitiveness and Strategic HR
13.        Organizational Effectiveness and Strategic HR
14.        Environmental Scanning: How to Do It and What to Look For
15.        Assessing the Internal Workforce for HR Planning
16.        Forecasting HR Supply and Demand
17.        HR Planning in Mergers and Acquisitions
18.        Managing a HR Surplus Situation
19.        Measuring HR Effectiveness Using HR Metrics
20.        The Psychological Contract: The Changing Nature of Employee-Employer Expectations
21.        Generational Differences: Challenges for the Organization
22.        Understanding Job Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Commitment
23.        Understanding, Measuring, and Controlling Employee Absenteeism
24.        Understanding, Measuring,  and Controlling Employee Turnover
25.        Understanding Individual Employee Performance Factors
26.        Understanding Drivers of Employee Retention
27.        Managing and Measuring Employee Retention
28.        An Evaluation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Has It  Accomplished Its Purposes?
29.        What Is and What Is Not a Bona-Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) under EEO Laws
30.        Understanding Legal Standards Applied to Two Types of Discrimination: Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact
31.        The Civil Rights Act of 1991 - How Does its Changes Effect the Workplace
32.        Laws on Gender Discrimination: Pregnancy Discrimination and Pay Equity
33.        Who's Disabled and Who's Not: A Look at EEOC Guidelines and Court Decisions
34.        Age Discrimination in Employment: ADEA and OWBOA Requirements
35.        Immigration Reform and Control Acts - Requirements and Issues in the  Workplace
36.        Key Issues with Religious Discrimination in the Workplace
37.        Genetic Bias Regulations - What are the Workplace Issues?
38.        Regulating Your Physical Appearance: Dress Codes, Height/Weight Restrictions, and Other "Appearance" Issues
39.        Sexual Orientation Discrimination and the Law
40.        Military Status and the Law
41.        Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement: Agencies, Policies, and Processes
42.        Compliance Approaches to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection  Procedures
43.        Understanding Validity Concepts and Equal Employment
44.        The Case for Continuing Affirmative Action
45.        The Case Against Affirmative Action
46.        The Glass Ceiling, Glass Walls, Glass Elevators: Breaking the Glass
47.        Sexual Harassment and Workplace Relationships
48.        Religion and Spirituality in the Workplace
49.        Approaches to the Management of Diversity
50.        Diversity Training:  The Positives and Negatives
51.        Nature and Consequences of Job Design
52.        The Relevance of the Job Characteristics Model of Job Design
53.        Job Design Issues for Team-Based Work
54.        Job Design, Work Schedules and Telework
55.        Task-Based and Competency-Based Job Analysis: How to Choose
56.        A Comparison of Three Approaches to Gathering Job Information:  Observation, Interviewing, and Questionnaires
57.        Computerized Job Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages
58.        Behavioral and Legal Aspects of Job Analysis
59.        Labor Markets and Recruiting Issues
60.        Organization-Based vs. Outsourced Recruiting
61.        Regular vs. Flexible Staffing: Making Use of Contingent Workers
62.        Recruiting Source Choices: Internal vs. External Recruiting
63.        College Recruiting: Maintaining a Corporate Presence on Campus
64.        Internet Recruiting: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Legal Issues
65.        Recruiting Evaluation and Metrics
66.        The Employment Selection Process: An Overview of Key Issues
67.        Realistic Job Previews: Should You "Tell It Like It Is?"
68.        Selection: Preemployment Screening
69.        Selection: A Close Look at the Use of Application Forms and Resumes
70.        Selection: A Close Look at Employment Testing
71.        Selection: A Close Look at Employment Interviewing
72.        Selection: A Close Look at Background Investigations
73.        Drug and Genetic Testing in Selection: Legal, Ethical, and Privacy Issues
74.        Staffing Global Assignments: Selecting and Placing Global Employees
75.        The New Context of Training and Performance Consulting
76.        Training and Organizational Strategy
77.        Training Needs Assessment
78.        Learner Readiness and Learning Styles
79.        Orientation: Training for New Employees
80.        Training Delivery: A Comparison of Selected Training Methods 
81.        E-Learning:  Development, Advantages and Limitations
82.        Evaluation of Training: Levels, Metrics, and Design Issues
83.        Training for Global Assignments
84.        Organization-Centered versus Individual-Centered Career Planning
85.        Global Career Development
86.        Special Career Issues: Career Plateaus and Dual-Career Ladders
87.        Career Issues for Dual-Career Couples
88.        The HR Development Process and Organizational Strategy
89.        Development Needs Analyses: Tool and Techniques
90.        Succession Planning: Insurance for the Organization's Future
91.        Job-Site Development Approaches
92.        Off-Site Development Approaches
93.        Management Development Models
94.        Performance Management: Linking Rewards to Performance
95.        Legal and Effective Performance Appraisal Processes
96.        Who Conducts Appraisals? Advantages and Disadvantages of the Options
97.        360 o Evaluation: The Pros and Cons of Multi-Source Performance Appraisal
98.        Category Scaling Methods versus Comparative Methods of Appraisal
99.        Identifying, Monitoring, and Overcoming Rater Errors
100.    Keys to Carrying Out an Effective Appraisal Interview.
101.    Compensation Philosophies: Entitlement versus Performance Philosophy
102.    Global Compensation Issues
103.    Market Competitiveness and Compensation
104.    Competency-Based Pay: The Pros and Cons
105.    Compensation Fairness: External/Internal Equity and Procedural/Distributive justice
106.    The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Key Provisions and Requirements
107.    An Assessment of Job Evaluation Methods
108.    Valuing Jobs Using Market Pricing: Advantages and Disadvantages
109.    Keys to the Effective Use of Pay Surveys
110.    Broadbanding: Advantages and Disadvantages
111.    Special Issues: Red and Green Rates and Pay Compression
112.    Ways to Determine Pay Increases for Employees
113.    Developing Successful Pay-for-Performance Plans
114.    Variable Pay Plans: Types, Successes and Failures
115.    Developing Effective Individual Incentive Systems
116.    Sales Compensation Plans:  Balancing Base Pay and Commissions
117.    Successful Group/Team Incentives
118.    Sharing the Wealth: Profit-Sharing and Employee Stock Plans
119.    ESOPs: Advantages and Disadvantages
120.    Elements of Executive Compensation for U.S. and Global Executives
121.    Debating the "Reasonableness of Executive Pay Plans"
122.    Benefits Design and Organizational Strategy
123.    Security Benefits: Mandated and Voluntary
124.    Retirement Benefits and Age Discrimination Issues
125.    Pensions: A Comparison of Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, and Cash  Balance Plans
126.    Controlling Health-Care Benefits Costs
127.    Consumer-Driven Health (CDH) Plans
128.    Health-Care Legislation: COBRA and HIPPA Provisions
129.    Analyzing Financial Benefits
130.    Analyzing Family-Oriented Benefits
131.    Benefits for Domestic Partners and Spousal Equivalents: An Explosive Issue
132.    Analyzing Time-Off Benefits
133.    Flexible Benefits Plans: Advantages and Disadvantages
134.    Workers' Compensation Issues: Scope, Costs, and FMLA
135.    The Occupational Safety and Health Act:  Standards and Recordkeeping
136.    The Occupational Safety and Health Act: Inspections and Violations
137.    Building an Effective Safety Program
138.    Contemporary Workplace Health Issues
139.    An Assessment of Wellness and Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
140.    Violence in the Workplace:  Protecting Employees
141.    An Overview of Security Management
142.    Global Health, Safety, and Security Issues
143.    Employee's Rights, Implied Contracts, and Employment Practices Liability Insurance
144.    Employment-at-Will, Wrongful Discharge and the Courts
145.    Complaint Procedures and Due Process
146.    The Emergence of Alternative Dispute Resolution as Due Process
147.    Privacy Rights and Employee Records
148.    Employees' Free Speech Rights: Whistle-Blowing, E-mail, and Voice Mail
149.    Legal and Ethical Aspects of Workplace Monitoring of Employees
150.    Investigating Employee Misconduct
151.    The Pros and Cons of Employer Drug Testing Programs
152.    Key Principles Underlying HR Policies, Procedures, and Rules
153.    Guidelines for Writing and Disseminating Employee Handbooks
154.    Positive versus Progressive Discipline Approaches
155.    Global Labor Union Issues
156.    An Analysis of Union Membership Trends in the United States
157.    The History of Organized Labor in the United States
158.    The National Labor Code
159.    Unfair Labor Practices by Employers and Union
160.    Employer Strategies and Tactics During a Union Organizing Campaign
161.    Collective Bargaining Issues: Management Rights and Union Security
162.    Bargaining Impasse Resolution Methods, Strikes and Lockouts
163.    The Anatomy of a Strike (Select and analyze a recent work stoppage)
164.    Union Management Cooperation: The Pros and Cons
165.     Keys to Effective Grievance Management
166.     A report on employees motivation
167.    A report on recruitment and selection process
168.    A report on training effectiveness at xyz corporation
169.    A report on Conflict Management mechanism in xyz org.
170.    A Study on Role of Recruitment and Selection
171.    Performance appraisal at accenture
172.    An overview of HR process & attrition analysis
173.    Analysis of performance management at NDPL
174.    A report on Bonus Act 1965
175.    Business Communication - Effective Listening
176.    Channel Development at MAX New York Life
177.    A report on Competency Mapping
178.    Developing a Time Investment Strategy
179.    Employee Job satisfaction at XYZ
180.    A project report on Employee Retention
181.    employees family welfare in spinning mills
182.    Employees Remuneration
183.    Research project on Human resource outsourcing
184.    HRM Training & Development
185.    HRM in private sector banks
186.    Human Resource Outsourcing
187.    Report on Indian telecom industry-airtel
188.    A Report on Employee turnover in IT industry
189.    Job satisfaction and Conflict resolution MODES IN THE MINDA GROUP
190.    Report on organizational communication
191.    Analyzing Performance Appraisal System
192.    Performance appraisal at L & T
193.    Performance appraisal at TCS
194.    Performance Management System of NTPC
195.    Principle of Management - AIRTEL
196.    Project Report on Cyber Crime
197.    Public Relations in LIC
198.    A Project Report On Quality of Work Life
199.    quality of work life in dell and INFOSYS
200.    Quality of work life in maintaining work life balances at ACC
201.    Report on recruitment and selection
202.    An overview of HR process & attrition Analysis
203.    Employee retention strategy
204.    Recruitment process at ICICI prudential
205.    Retention Strategies in BPO sector
206.    Study on Absenteeism of Workers
207.    Training and development
208.    Training and Development- Indian Oil
209.    Employee Relation and Employee Communication
210.    Managerial myopia, CEO compensation structure and earnigns management byR&D cuts Shared Team Leadership Project Report
211.    Motivation to work: diffrences between managers and workers
212.    Culture: A strategy for managing change
213.    Researchers' Motivational Preferences - From a Need Theory Perspective
214.    Differential Effects of Institutional Socialization on Value Orientations in Naval Academy Midshipmen
215.    Leadership in Foreign owned Subsidiaries
216.    The Human Resource importance for learning and competence development within two organizations
217.    Motivation and Work -Investigation and Analysis of Motivation Factors at Work
218.    How to Introduce and Manage Organizational Changes
219.    Human Resource Management in Project-Based Organisations: Challenges, Changes, and Capabilities
220.    Rewarding and Recognizing Employees: How IT professionals in Sweden and in Finland are motivated and prefer to be rewarded
221.    Executive Coaching as a Developmental Experience: A Framework and Measure of Coaching Dimensions
222.    How to motivate assembly line workers
223.    Managing Performance in Intermediate Care Services - A Balanced Scorecard Approach
224.    Leadership styles and E-commerce adoption: An analysis of Thai food exporters
225.    "Red Envelop" incentive measure for chinese employees
226.    On-the-Job Training: The Case Study of Alfa Laval at the Ronneby Manufacturing Unit
227.    Modern Human Capital Management
228.    Line Managers Perception of Change at Ericsson
229.    Employee Remuneration Project
230.    Performance Appraisal System
231.    Development of leadership capacities as a strategic factor for sustainability
232.    Employees Resistance Towards Organizational Change
233.    Total Quality Management and human resource department
234.    Scooters India Ltd. : The Case of an Extraordinary Turnaround
235.    Understanding State Goal Orientation: Leadership and Work-Group Climate as Key Antecedents
236.    TMT Diversity, CEO Procedural Fairness, and TMT Conflict
237.    The relationship between leader core self-evaluations, team feedback, leader efficacy, transformational leadership, team efficacy, team goals, team action and transition processes, and team performance
238.    Performance tip-sharing: When, and how, do employees share their insights?
239.    Perceived organizational support: linking human resource management practices with important work outcomes
240.    Internal Team Leadership: An Examination of Leadership Roles, Role Structure, and Member Outcomes
241.    The Influence of Career Identity and Social Networks on Career Transition Magnitude
242.    How do we get from there to here ? understanding the black box in strategic HRM research from resource- based and social exchange perspectives.
243.    The Moderating Role of Industrial Experiences in the Job Satisfaction Intention to Leave Relationship : An Empirical Study among Salesmen in India
244.    Reward systems in Russia: a study from a Swedish perspective
245.    Empowerment in the consumer service sector: from the perspective of management and frontline personnel in the insurance industry
246.    How coaches motivate teams
247.    Employee motivation in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises: two case studies from northern Sweden
248.    International human resource training in Swedish MNCs: three case studies
249.    MNCs' management of human resources in India: case studies of two Swedish companies
250.    Problems faced by dual working couple in XYZ city
251.    Gender biasness in organization – apperception of employees
252.    A study on Emotional Quotient  in Organization
253.    The Changing Dynamics of Talent Acquisition
254.    The New Realities of Talent Management : From workforce planning to performance measurement, a practical approach to managing the talent lifecycle in a slowing/growing economy
255. Discuss the effects of global competitiveness on strategic human resources.
256. Understanding the connections between job satisfaction, loyalty of the worker to the company, and commitment.
257. Understanding employee turnover and learning to measure and control it.
258. Forecasting and predicting the supply and demand cycle within human resources.
259. What are the effects of absenteeism in a specific industry?
260. How does at-work childcare compare to regular daycare when compared to the satisfaction of employees with working while their young children are in care?
261. Discuss compensation packages and the effect of corporate employee benefits being offered in order to retain human resources
262. What issues do family business owners face in the field of family business consultants?
263. With the recent legislation to prevent bullying in schools, will the workplace be next to adopt stricter rules and regulations to prevent bullying and harassment in the work environment?
264. Cultural diversity in the workplace: what are the advantages and disadvantages; what are the rewards and challenges?
265. How have company’s performance evaluation systems grown and changed over the last decade?
266. Has the act of whistle blowing increased in recent years, or are industries being sloppier about meeting their construction and design standards?
267. What is employee empowerment and how is it a key factor in helping organizations become more effective?
268. How does sexual harassment affect workplace relationships?
269. When comparing internal and external recruiting source choices for Universities, which tends to be the most fruitful?
270. What are the advantages, disadvantages of internal recruiting and what legal issues may arise?

271. Compare career planning that’s centered around organizations and career planning centered around individuals.


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